艾米H. Carberry美术画廊

艾米·H. Carberry美术画廊是免费的, 公共, and handicap-accessible art gallery located on the 十大彩票平台 campus on the first floor of the Fine Arts Building (B28). The gallery regularly hosts exhibitions and virtual talks from local, national, and student artists.



  • 2月5日- 2月29日 “重拾我们的遗产” by Springfield’s Honors Academy and Conservatory of the Arts students
  • 2月17日上午11点.m. - 1 p.m.:青年艺术家招待会
  • March 1 - 17: gallery closed for installation and Spring break
  • 3月18日- 4月12日: “一个简单的圆” by 詹姆斯Gehrt 在艾米H. Carberry美术画廊
  • 3月20日,12:15.m.: Carberry对话 interview with photographer 詹姆斯Gehrt (YouTube)
  • 3月28日下午12点.m.: in-person gallery talk with photographer 詹姆斯Gehrt
  • 4月3日上午11点.m.: in-person gallery talk with photographer 詹姆斯Gehrt
  • 4月6日上午11点.m. - 1 p.m.:摄影师詹姆斯Gehrt的公众招待会
  • 4月22日- 5月4日: 十大彩票平台美术学生作品展
  • 5月4日上午11点.m. - 1 p.m.: 公共 reception for 十大彩票平台美术学生作品展
  • 5月14日,12:15.m.: Carberry对话博士访谈. 盖尔·卡伯里博士. 艾莉森·卡伯里(YouTube)
  • June 15: Deadline extended for call for artists and 摄影师--“此时此地:春田”

All events are open to the 公共 and will be held in the 艾米H. Carberry美术画廊 in the Fine Arts Building (B28).


The gallery presents approximately six exhibits each academic year featuring works by artists of local and national repute, 以及十大彩票平台的学生作业. All exhibits are supported in part by funding from the School of Liberal and Professional Studies.

您可以浏览过去和即将举办的展览 画廊展览页面.

Call for Artists and Photographers-- 此时此地:春田


艾米·H. Carberry美术画廊 on the campus of the 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 is seeking artists and 摄影师 living in Springfield working in all mediums to apply for consideration to a special juried group exhibition called “此时此地:春田.” This show will be juried and curated by 十大彩票平台 fine arts students and the gallery director of the Carberry Gallery and on view from September to October 2024. 



Carberry对话 is a series of virtual talks between Professor of Arts and Humanities/Photography/Philosophy and 艾米H的协调员. Carberry美术画廊 and Cultural Programming, 桑德拉·庇隆 还有当地的艺术家和摄影师. Conversations cover a wide variety of topics including origin stories, the impact of current events on the artistic process, and the function of art and photography during times of crisis.

For a list of upcoming and past conversations, please see the Carberry对话页面.


暗箱室 is a dark room with a small hole for light on one side through which the image of Pearl Street appears projected on the opposite wall upside down and backward. The room demonstrates principles of human eyesight and photography.

这个房间是艾米H. Carberry美术画廊 on the 十大彩票平台 campus and is free and open to the 公共 between September and May when the gallery is open and exhibitions are on view.


学院邀请所有地区的艺术家, 摄影师, and video and installation artists to present and/or produce an exhibition in collaboration with the fine arts gallery. 如果您感兴趣,请参阅 展览建议书征集页面 欲知详情.


Fine Arts Building (B28), first floor, on the Pearl Street side of the 十大彩票平台 campus

校园内有充足的停车场. 使用珍珠街门.


星期一: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
星期二: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
周三: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
星期四: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
星期五: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
周六: 只按安排办理(speron@szrcjd.net)
周日: 关闭


Professor of Arts and Humanities/Photography/Philosophy
艾米H的协调员. Carberry美术画廊 and Cultural Programming
暗房/办公室:普特南厅(B17), 508室


画廊的电话: (413) 755-5258


艾米H. Carberry美术画廊
P.O. 马萨诸塞州十大彩票平台市9000号信箱01102-9000