


Pell grant is a federal entitlement grant based on student's need which is determined by the 学生 Aid Index (SAI). 佩尔助学金一生最多可获得十二(12)个全日制学期. 学生根据全日制状态(12+学分)获得奖励。.  学分低于12学分将导致佩尔助学金资格下降. 在某些情况下,入学人数减少可能导致这笔补助金的全部损失.


必须注册至少9个学分. 这笔助学金是发给最需要帮助的学生的. 最低奖学金是每学期100美元.  资金仅限于联邦拨款.


的 联邦勤工俭学 program allows students to earn money while attending college and provides valuable work experience. 每小时的工资取决于你所做的工作类型和你的技能水平. You may work between 10 - 12 hours per week and you cannot earn more than your maximum FWS award. 勤工俭学的学生必须注册至少六个学分. 欲了解更多信息以及可用职位列表,请参阅 联邦勤工俭学页面.


必须注册至少6个学分.  This low interest loan has to be repaid beginning 6 months after you complete your program, 停止参加, 或者降至6学分以下. 

学生 Financial Services limits the amount of student loans offered in order to avoid having a large debt upon graduation.  如果你发现你的经济援助计划不包括你的教育费用, please contact 学生 Financial Services to review your expenses and see if you qualify for a student loan or an increase in your current loan. 信息 on Parent PLUS Loans and Alternative Loans are available in 学生 Financial Services.


你必须是州居民才有资格获得州补助. A resident is someone who lived in Massachusetts for at least one year prior to the first day of the academic year and will continue to live in the state for the academic year. 如果你是一个受抚养的学生,你的父母必须满足同样的居住要求. 为了获得国家援助,你必须符合所有联邦资格要求. 为大众拨款, 你必须注册至少12个学分, 对于所有其他项目, 你必须注册至少6个学分.


学生必须符合佩尔资格并注册全日制(12+学分). 该补助金须经州政府的额外资格检查. 学生s that have already received this award for 4 semesters are no longer eligible at a two year college. 一旦国家审查了你的状态, they will send you a tentative letter of award but 学生 Financial Services must certify your eligibility and verify enrollment.


学生s eligible for the MASSGrant who drop below full-time, may be eligible for this grant. 你必须在6到11学分之间注册,才有资格获得这项资助. 你必须有资格获得这个奖项. 资金仅限于国家拨款.


这个奖励不能超过学费和杂费的总和. 资金仅限于国家拨款.


This waiver of tuition (not fees) can be used toward day classes only; evening, 周末, 远程课程不符合条件. You cannot receive more than one waiver each semester and the value of the waiver cannot exceed the maximum tuition charges. 资金仅限于国家拨款.


学生的资格将由适当的国家机构确定. Recipients will be notified of eligibility and must submit that documentation to 学生 Financial Services. 学生必须在高中毕业6年内全日制入学,并保持3.0的绩点. 此奖学金只适用于日间课程的学费减免.


学生s must be placed in the custody of Social Services through a Care and Protection petition, not be over the age of 24 and have signed a voluntary agreement with the Department of Social Services establishing terms and conditions for receiving such aid.


学生s must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program (full-time or part-time) leading to teacher certification in a Massachusetts Public 大学 and be employed for a minimum of two years as a paraprofessional in a Massachusetts public school.

Connecticut residents can determine what type of state aid they may be eligible for by visiting the 康涅狄格州高等教育办公室网站. Other non-Massachusetts residents should check with their local state agencies for their state aid eligibility.

学生 Financial Services will adjust your financial aid award due to changes in your eligibility or changes in your enrollment. We reserve the right to cancel aid awarded if you should subsequently become ineligible because of financial misrepresentation or other reasons specified by federal 规定.


学生s must be enrolled in an approved certificate or associate degree program in the nursing profession.  的 社区大学护理奖学金计划 provides “last dollar” financial assistance to ensure that all eligible students have adequate resources to cover the direct costs of tuition, 获得证书或副学士学位的费用和书本费. 有关要求和申请的完整列表,请参阅 马萨诸塞州高等教育部网站.



十大彩票平台基金会 offers a variety of scholarship opportunities and can help suggest scholarships based on your general application.


儿童早期职业道路补助金 at 十大彩票平台 provides free coursework and support to help early educators advance their certifications and degree attainment.